Articles on: Browser Extension

Change the Object being used for Job Leads or Tasks whilst using the Chrome Extension

This feature allows administrators to customize which Salesforce objects and fields are used for different scenarios when saving data.


Job Opening: Map fields to a custom object in your ATS (e.g. the "Job Lead" object)
LinkedIn Message: use the "Opportunity" object instead of the "Task" object when saving a LinkedIn message.

Steps to Customize

Open the Chrome Extension Settings by clicking on the gear box icon ⚙️

Select "Field Mapping" from the settings menu

Choose the Action Group

Job OpeningCapture job listings from LinkedIn or other websites. For Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), this typically corresponds to the Job Lead object.
LinkedIn Connection NoteThe optional message sent when initiating a connection with someone on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn Message LogA record of messages exchanged via LinkedIn's chat or messaging features.

Configure Object and Fields
Select the desired Salesforce object (e.g., Opportunity instead of Task)
Choose the specific fields to use

Tip: Use the "Prefill Automatically" button to apply PipeLaunch's suggested fields. Our smart system analyzes your Salesforce setup to recommend the most appropriate fields for each value.

Save and Reload
Save your changes
Reload the extension to apply the new settings

Note: Only System Administrators or users with the "PipeLaunch Admin" permission set are able to access these settings

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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