Articles on: PipeLaunch Salesforce App

Mapping LinkedIn Fields and other custom fields During Lead Conversion

This article guides you through mapping a specific LinkedIn field and a custom avatar field during lead conversion in Salesforce. By mapping these fields, the corresponding data from the lead will automatically populate the desired fields in the converted contact or opportunity record.

Prerequisites: You must have administrative permissions in Salesforce to configure lead conversion rules.

Navigate to Lead Conversion Settings:

Go to Setup (gear icon).
In Object Manager, select the Lead Object .
Click on the Map Lead Fields button.

Map the fields:
- Navigate between the Account, Contact, and Opportunity tabs (“None” indicates no field map configured for the Lead field).


Lead FieldAccount Field
LinkedIn™ Numerical IdLinkedIn™ Numerical Id (plaunch__LinkedInNumericalId__c)
Company Avatar URLAvatar URL (plaunch__avatar_url__c)
LinkedIn Company NameLinkedIn Company Name (plaunch__Brand_Name__c)
#️⃣ HitHorizons IDHitHorizons ID (plaunch__HitHorizonsID__c)
Company LinkedInLinkedIn™ (plaunch__LinkedIn__c)


Lead FieldContact Field
LinkedIn™LinkedIn™ (plaunch__LinkedIn__c)
Avatar URLAvatar URL (plaunch__avatar_url__c)
XingXing (plaunch__Xing__c)

- Click Save to apply the new field mappings.

Additional Notes
#️⃣ Only required for users with the HitHorizons integration enabled
You can map multiple fields during the lead conversion process.
Ensure the data types of the lead and target fields are compatible for successful mapping (e.g., text field to text field).
For complex field mapping scenarios, consider using process builder or workflow rules.

By following these steps, you can leverage lead conversion rules to streamline the process and ensure valuable data from LinkedIn is transferred to the appropriate fields in Salesforce during the Lead conversion.

Updated on: 04/06/2024

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