Articles on: PipeLaunch Salesforce App

Supported Signals types

Find LinkedIn™ Profile

Search for the public LinkedIn™ profile if there is no LinkedIn URL on the record. A valid LinkedIn™ URL is required to use the other signals since the last information on LinkedIn™ is used as the data source.

Company Change

A contact leaving their previous company and joining a new one is the most common scenario. You can use one of the included templates or launch your own custom flow to send an email, alert the contact owner, and more. The possibilities are endless.

Name Mismatch

Discrepancies between the name recorded in Salesforce and the public name on LinkedIn™ can occur. For example, if "John Smiht" is misspelled in Salesforce, PipeLaunch identifies the error and updates the LastName field to "Smith".

Job Title Change

Contact only changed job title e.g. was promoted or changed department inside the company. Example: John was promoted from Sales Representative at Netflix to Sales Manager at Netflix. The contact information, including the company, department, email, and phone number, remain the same, with only the job title being updated to reflect her new role.

Updated on: 14/06/2024